Saturday 16th and Sunday, 17th November 2024

menALIVE Parish Weekend

God is glorified when Men are fully alive - St. Irenaeus

The Catholic parish of St. Martin of Tours, Rosanna is hosting a menALIVE Men’s Weekend on the 16th and 17th of November 2024. It provides an opportunity for men in Rosanna and neighbouring parishes to explore what makes them feel fully alive. 

The men of Rosanna Parish, with the encouragement of Parish Priest, Fr Michael O'Connell, are inviting and encouraging men to become an active force of renewal in the community and the church.  This event is a part of that renewal.

menALIVE is a National Catholic Ministry for Men which was founded out of a response to a great need in the hearts and lives of men, and a great need in the life of the Catholic Church.

Date and time

16th and 17th November 2024
Saturday 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM


$55 per person (concessions available)

Includes lunch & dinner (sat) refreshments/tea/coffee (both days)


The Community Centre

St. Martin of Tours, Parish
1 Silk Street
Rosanna, VIC 3028.

For further information or assistance, please contact 


During the weekend, the menALIVE presenting team will share about their lives, the challenges they face and the hope they have discovered in seeking to walk this journey with God. The weekend offers space for men to reflect, and opportunities to share with one another about themselves and their lives. Practical tools are provided to support men in their individual prayer lives and faith journeys.

The experience of a menALIVE weekend is powerful and dynamic, and most men are inspired and encouraged with a renewed sense of purpose and mission. If you are a man over 18 years of age, save the date and register for this weekend! If not, share the news with the men in your lives!

Need more information? Download a brochure or Contact Us